Github Copilot: A boon or a bane 

On 7 January 2023, we conducted a debate on the topic GitHub Copilot: A boon or a bane. It was a group debate with one section vehemently supporting and the other side speaking against this new tool. Except for 4-5 people who stood as the audience the entire team at iocod participated in the debate. It started off with one representative of each team introducing the topic.  

What is GitHub Copilot? 

GitHub Copilot is an AI tool that assists developers by suggesting code and entire functions. It was first announced by GitHub on 29 June 2021. Powered by Open AI Codex, Copilot turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions so that users can spend less time on repetitive code patterns and more time on building great software. Copilot can assist developers in coding in Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, and Go. 

What the supporters said 

The first point in support of the tool was that it helps developers work quickly and efficiently.  

Taking care of repetitive codes, Copilot helps save developers’ time and lets them focus on more important tasks. 

It can be a great aid when developers are stuck at some point. 

Copilot gives a list of alternatives for the developers. They can compare these and choose the best option. 

What the opposers said 

Developers will become too dependent on the tool. Developers will get used to copying and pasting and their skills will decline. 

An advanced version of this tool can replace developers completely. Developers can become jobless in the future. 

It presents security risks. 

Further discussions 

The supporters were able to present counter-arguments for each of the points raised against the tool. Rather than damaging the skills of developers, the tool will make them work smarter. Even if Copilot provides accurate lines of code and works seamlessly, human intervention will still be required to connect the bigger picture altogether. And as for the age-old question of technology replacing jobs, it sure will take away some jobs but will create new ones. Grammarly was cited as an example to show how AI tools can make our lives easier. 

The group speaking against the tool found all the benefits of the app falling short when compared to the security risks it poses. With the advancements in technology, they said, fewer and that too highly skilled people will find employment. All the others would lose their livelihood. One instance they came up with was this – if robots start replacing humans as waiters, many poor unskilled workers will become jobless.  


Because of their clarity of articulating the points, the group that spoke in favor of  Copilot was declared the winner. 

The session saw enthusiastic participation by the entire team at iocod. The whole session was very informative as well as entertaining. The opinions and thoughts on AI tools that the participants put forth were so interesting that those few who initially watched as participants later joined the discussion!  

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