You are the average of 5 people you spend the most time with- Jim Rohn

Knowledge sharing inside an organization is a great way to promote employee collaboration and increase productivity. We can promote knowledge sharing by creating actual spaces inside the office to encourage discussions (like a coffee station or a cozy balcony space) or by creating formal forums for sharing and rewarding those who participate and contribute in these forums. 

Share-your-knowledge session at iocod was envisaged as a platform to facilitate knowledge sharing inside the organization and to break the silos. By creating this platform, we were able to foster a knowledge-sharing culture in the organization. It has benefitted the employees and the organization in many ways.  

Share-your-knowledge sessions helped us to: 

  • Share best practices 

By sharing the best practices with our colleagues, we help others work faster and smarter. People will have acquired skills in their particular area of interest. One will be a pro in an area about which another one would be clueless. Sharing each person’s innovative ideas, experiences, and learnings from them, help boost the performance of all the others. 

  • Build rapport among colleagues 

It is found that people often work in silos. They communicate only with their closest colleagues and often do not know or understand how the other sections of the organization operate. Knowledge-sharing sessions are a great way to break these silos. Employees get to interact with everyone freely, have discussions regarding their work or skilled areas and this creates better rapport among the employees. 

  • Create a positive work environment 

Better rapport and collaboration among employees create a positive work environment and this, in turn, leads to higher productivity. 

  • Increase self-esteem of employees 

Appreciation and recognition for the work done are very important in everyone’s life. When they do presentations, initiate discussions, and display their skills in front of their colleagues, they get their deserved recognition and it increases the self-esteem of the employees. 

  • Motivate employees to work harder 

Appreciation and rewards along with the knowledge of others’ achievements and expertise encourage people to work harder. 

The best way to encourage knowledge sharing is to make it a part of your organization’s culture. By knowledge sharing, you not only get to know about the best way of doing something but also get to know about others’ mistakes that should be avoided. This leads to informed actions and improves employee efficiency. The ultimate result is increased employee happiness and improved productivity. 

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