It’s 2019. Internet has become a key element of our day-to-day life. Today, social media is becoming the trend of the world. So, one might ask: “Why invest time and money to build an efficient website when it is so simple to build a Facebook page in an evening?”. The answer is very simple. We can actually compare social media element as the path to your true home in the digital world., your website. So we can say that websites are here to stay. The most modern image of a business is its website. Clients tend to judge the professionalism of an organisation by its technically efficient official website. So, today, let us discuss why an extremely good website really matters.

Recent studies have revealed that even though 97% people search online for services and products, only 60-70% businesses own a website. SCORE (The SCORE Association, US) Vice-President of Marketing, Bridget Weston Pollack says that if a company or a small business doesn’t have an online presence, they are missing a huge percentage of the population that could be shopping at their store. A website not only helps small businesses promote and sell their products and services, but it also allows them to distinguish themselves from their competitors, especially for customers who rely heavily on the Internet to learn everything about a company. This makes a website one of the most important business assets for sharing information, building credibility and standing out in crowded marketplaces.

Experts in the industry suggests that very small or big business organisations need to have a website of their own. Here are the reasons why you should own one:

1. Finds clients 24/7

Your business does not ever need to put a “Closed” board when you own website for your same. Customers can take a look at your business and decide on their options to op for your services and products. If your business deals with e-commerce, then they can also buy them even when you aren’t available. It literally means you are marketing and selling your services and products 24/7.

2. Build a credibility for your brand

Your business website can actually create a presence of your brand over the Internet. A flexible and well designed website usually helps even micro-businesses to increase their flexibility and help your brand to reach out with credibility. Most individuals out there believe that a business with a website is credible enough to deal with than those with only social media bonding. Thus, we can sum up that owning a website for your organisation will shoot up your credibility and attract a lot more new customers.

3. Targets a larger and a Global Market

The main aim of a business is to have a large mass as their audience. But, in case you are serving an offline business, you can address only a limited crowd. Now, if you are online, you can address a huge crowd over the internet, as more and more are there on the net, all the time. You can increase your working hours than your usual hours and no matter what you sell, whether it is products or services, you are doing so at the place at very minimal costs.

4. Capturing the attention of youth

Today’s youth prefer everything online. So, if a business is into selling, you can capture a crowd of youth who prefer to buy everything online than going around different shops in the hot sun.

5. Presence n the Social Media

When you are running a business, it is very much obvious that you will need to have social media presence on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. It helps to increase your brand value, especially when you upload photos of your products or services, interact with your customers and host events and competitions that will attract attention towards your business.

6. Stepping stone of all Marketing Plans

Websites are the stepping stones of any marketing plan and and is of higher priority before designing brochures and business cards. Every marketing campaign you start should be on the landing page of your website so that visitors see it when they open your website should be the point to be taken care of. Designing of your website needs to be done so that you are able to convert a prospective visitor to an enthusiastic client.

7. Helps you Achieve Business Goals

Every business has one and only aim. That is to grow and spread worldwide. A business website can help you achieve your business goals. You need to true to your work and affirm to the quality and value to make your business a successful one. It is always advisable to set smaller, achievable goals to reach the ultimate goal. It helps you to feel accomplished and stay competitive. If you are in the right track, the clients too will feel the same confident through your official website.

8. Competitors have Business Websites

Today, every type of business faces thick competition. A simple reason why you might have to opt for a website is that your competitors have official websites, showcasing their services and products. Modern day customers do a lot online research work before buying a product or service. If you do not have a website, you are actually helping your competitors to grow their business traffic. It also means that you are failing to keep up with the latest technology and giving up on making your business a success. Nowadays, there are various platforms, like WordPress, that help you to create a free websites initially. You can keep this till you earn some money and then you can opt for a full-fledged website to suit your needs.

9.Resource Center For Staff

An official website is not only for your clients but for employers as well. You can create a sub-domain for your employees, which they can use to upload pictures, instructional videos and guides to help clients. It helps to make your employees feel valued. As experts say, your staff are not an expense but an investment that will help you reap long-term benefits when treated in the correct way.

10. You can be an Inspiration

Your official website can become an inspiration to be an entrepreneur of his kind. Inspiring youth of the society will help to build a footstep for the future generations. Man is a social animal. Do your part by being a motivational organisation.

A website is eventually a necessity. Now that we have understood the need for it, we now have to deal with “How do we Build a Website”, a topic that I would deal with in my upcoming blogs.

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